The Light At The End of The Tunnel is an Oncoming Train

Progress is moving right along with the Lionel Layout for it’s spring opening. Most of the accessories are up and running, with their respective buttons hooked up. All the tracks on the layout are running and the scenery is almost their. A sign of promise, the sides have received their carpet skirt to dress the table up a bit, making it look just as grand as it did back in Michigan. Carpet in the room will also be going down shortly. The control panel has also started to receive some decorative wooden paneling and vents to hide the plywood frame.
Out on the deck finishing touches are being made to the handrails, before our new patrons arrive. Many more broken shingles from the side of the building have also been replaced to date.
Wiring the new station lamps is also underway. The two lamps have been sent out to have a new bottom welded into place. This will help with the installation of an outlet on the bottom of each post for Christmas lights. The work has been done by North Fork Welding of Greenport NY. The PVC pipe has also been run under the deck and in between the two posts so we can wire the two lamps up. Soon we will have a freight house looking building. The lights will automatically come on and off thanks to a timer, that can detect the light and dark. Work has also begun to clean the museum grounds from loose building supplies and garbage that have accumulated in our yard over the winter.