The new metal handrails are also coming along nicely on the deck. One more solid day of work and they will be done. The metal pipes are much safer to hold giving patrons a better gripe when using the new deck. The rails have also been sanded for a nice smooth surface to hold on to. The replacement of broken singles also continues with the ENTIRE South Side of the building done and the West end a work in progress. As stated in previous posts the building will receive a new coat of paint in the museum’s new Station colors of white and green trim.
Inside, the Lionel layout is also coming along nicely. The control panel has been completed looking sharp. New shelves have also been installed on the control panels deck to store rolling stock and engines. Brand new blinds have also been installed in the windows to keep the glare off the layout. We are also waiting on a delivery of carpet to be installed in the room. On the layout this week the focus has been the installation of railroad signals so the trains will be able to run on time. Lamps, much like the kind outside have also stared to be installed through out.
Thanks goes to volunteers Don Lavelle, Steve Sucic, Don Fisher, Anthony DeBellis and Gregory Kruszeski for all their hard work this weekend