Lionel Layout and Engine 16 Weekday Update

BEDT Engine 16
Work continued this Tuesday on the wooden doors and windows in Engine 16. Our volunteer carpenters are fitting the doors to the cab. They have also started to cut the wood that will be used to make the windows. Once painted, the doors will stay inside the engine.

Lionel Visitor’s Center Layout
Our Tuesday crew continues to make improvements and repairs for our April opening.

Al and John work to install a girder bridge in place of a larger Lionel Lift Bridge. This will allow for better viewing of the Hell Gate bridge behind it.

Don H. works on installing the new activation switches that will be installed around the layout to replace the ones that came with the layout. These switches will be able to take more abuse then the old ones. They will also be relocated on the side wall of the layout.

Ken works to replace a burnt out Lionel switch