Grey for 1556, Black for 1556 and 7723

LIRR 7723
This weekend Baggage Car 7723 received a second coat of black paint on her roof. Now that the roof is done we can proceed with the rest of the paint job. We are currently in the process of getting paint as close to Tuscan as possible at a reasonable cost using Pennsylvania Railroad drift cards.

LIRR 1556
1556 received its first coat of grey paint this weekend. As the photos show the engine looks 110% better. The ends were left in primer for orange paint, once all grey paint it done. Next Saturday the second coat of grey paint will be applied, followed by orange on the nose and handrails Sunday. 1556 also got her trucks and undercarriage painted, for the first time since she has been at the museum.

LVC Update
The control panel continues to get wired while more new activation buttons are installed on the layout. The older buttons were also removed in the last work session.

World’s Fair Train
The crew has finished the first truck, and started on the second truck this weekend.